His Banner Over Me!


Our Sunday Services start at Noon | Join us Friday for Bible Study at 6 pm

 December 05, 2021

 11:45 AM - 1:45 PM

 2222 Rio Grande St., Ste. B-130 Austin, TX 78705

The wedding day is coming and there will be a great feast!  This feast is a feast of love and dedicated and prepared from God Almighty to his sweet Bride. There is no other feast like this feast and all mankind's eternity will pause while we dine with the great King of Kings, (the Bridegroom) at the marriage supper of the lamb.  

This sermon serves as a warning that this marriage ceremony requires you to wear the garments of salvation and the clothes of righteousness that can be given only by Jesus Christ. You shall be found speechless (and wanting) unless your new garments are pressed, cleaned, and adorned over a lifetime of personal righteousness and a longstanding fervent love to him.  

The bridegroom cometh quickly: will you then be ready to meet him with a heart that is sick of love?

Austin Gatherings uses the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, and Pastor Mark Jones will be preaching today out of Song of Solomon 2:4-5.